Amis 100 mg Tablets: Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Price, Warnings, and Contraindications

In this article, we delve into the multifaceted aspects of Amis 100 mg tablets, shedding light on their diverse uses, potential side effects, necessary precautions, pricing considerations, associated warnings, and contraindications.

Whether you’re a healthcare professional or an individual seeking information about this medication, this article aims to provide you with detailed insights to facilitate informed decision-making.

Uses of Amis 100 mg Tablets

Amis 100 mg tablets find application in various clinical scenarios, including:

These tablets are integral components of pharmacological regimens aimed at managing the symptoms of schizophrenia, including hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking.

In the context of bipolar disorder, Amis 100 mg tablets may be employed to stabilize mood fluctuations, mitigate manic episodes, and prevent the recurrence of depressive episodes.

In some cases, Amis 100 mg tablets may serve as adjunctive therapy alongside other medications to augment treatment outcomes and address residual symptoms.

Side Effects of Amis 100 mg Tablets

When it comes to Amis 100 mg tablets, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects that may arise while taking this medication. #

Common side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, headaches, and gastrointestinal disturbances like nausea or constipation. Additionally, some individuals may experience weight gain, insomnia, or dry mouth. 

While these side effects are usually mild and temporary, it’s essential to monitor their severity and inform your healthcare provider if they persist or worsen. 

In rare cases, more serious side effects such as neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) or tardive dyskinesia may occur, requiring immediate medical attention. 

It’s crucial to discuss any concerns or unusual symptoms with your healthcare provider to ensure the safe and effective use of Amis 100 mg tablets.

While Amis 100 mg tablets are generally well-tolerated, it’s crucial to be aware of rare but serious side effects that may occur in some individuals.

These adverse reactions, though uncommon, can have significant implications for health and require prompt medical attention.

Among the rare but serious side effects associated with Amis 100 mg tablets are neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by fever, muscle rigidity, altered mental status, and autonomic dysfunction.

Another serious complication is tardive dyskinesia, a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary movements of the face, tongue, and limbs, which may be irreversible in some cases.

Additionally, metabolic disturbances such as hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia, cardiac arrhythmias, and blood dyscrasias have been reported in rare instances.

Precautions for Taking Amis 100 mg Tablets

Taking precautions when using Amis 100 mg tablets is essential to ensure their safe and effective use. Individuals considering or currently taking this medication should be mindful of several key factors. 

Firstly, it’s crucial to disclose any pre-existing medical conditions, especially liver or kidney impairment, cardiovascular disease, or epilepsy, to your healthcare provider before starting treatment. 

Additionally, individuals with a history of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) or tardive dyskinesia should exercise caution when using Amis 100 mg tablets. 

Special consideration should also be given to elderly patients, who may be more susceptible to side effects due to age-related changes in drug metabolism. 

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their healthcare provider before using Amis 100 mg tablets, as the safety of this medication during pregnancy and lactation has not been fully established. 

Finally, it’s essential to adhere to the prescribed dosage and follow any additional instructions provided by your healthcare provider to minimize the risk of adverse effects. 

By taking these precautions and maintaining open communication with your healthcare provider, you can ensure the safe and effective use of Amis 100 mg tablets.

Price of Amis 100 mg Tablets

When considering the price range of Amis 100 mg tablets, several factors can influence the cost of this medication. 

Brand name versus generic formulations, dosage strength, and packaging size are among the key determinants of pricing variability. 

Brand name versions of Amis 100 mg tablets may be priced higher than their generic counterparts due to factors such as research and development costs, brand recognition, and marketing expenses. 

Additionally, higher dosage strengths or larger quantities of tablets per package may result in higher overall costs.

Price of Amis 100 mg tablets in PKR: 304

Price of Amis 100 mg tablets in USD: $1.09

Warnings for Amis 100 mg Tablets

Warnings associated with Amis 100 mg tablets encompass important considerations that individuals should be aware of before initiating treatment with this medication. 

One significant aspect is the potential for drug interactions, wherein Amis 100 mg tablets may interact with other medications, altering their effectiveness or increasing the risk of adverse reactions. 

It’s crucial for individuals to inform their healthcare provider about all medications, supplements, and herbal remedies they are currently taking to mitigate the risk of potential interactions. 

Additionally, Amis 100 mg tablets carry a black box warning regarding the increased risk of mortality in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis, emphasizing the importance of cautious prescribing practices and regular patient monitoring in this population.

Individuals should be vigilant for any unusual symptoms or side effects while taking Amis 100 mg tablets and promptly report them to their healthcare provider for further evaluation.

 By understanding and heeding these warnings, individuals can minimize potential risks and optimize the safe and effective use of Amis 100 mg tablets.

Contraindications for Amis 100 mg Tablets

Contraindications of Amis 100 mg tablets refer to specific circumstances or conditions in which the use of this medication is not advisable or should be avoided altogether. 

Individuals with known hypersensitivity to amisulpride or any of the components of Amis 100 mg tablets should refrain from using this medication due to the risk of allergic reactions. 

Additionally, individuals with a history of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) or tardive dyskinesia, serious liver or kidney impairment, or acute intoxication with central nervous system depressants or substances that lower the seizure threshold should avoid using Amis 100 mg tablets. 

Special caution is advised when prescribing this medication to pediatric patients, elderly individuals, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and patients with comorbid medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease or epilepsy. 

By identifying and adhering to these contraindications, healthcare providers can ensure the safe and appropriate use of Amis 100 mg tablets, minimizing the risk of adverse effects and optimizing treatment outcomes.

(FAQs): Amis 100 mg Tablets

What are the common uses of Amis 100 mg Tablets?

Amis 100 mg tablets are commonly prescribed for the management of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. They help alleviate symptoms like hallucinations, delusions, and mood disturbances associated with these conditions.

How can I mitigate the side effects of Amis 100 mg Tablets?

To mitigate the side effects of Amis 100 mg tablets, it’s essential to follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations closely. Simple strategies such as staying hydrated, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise can help minimize side effects like drowsiness, dizziness, and gastrointestinal disturbances.

Is Amis 100 mg Tablets safe for use during pregnancy?

The safety of Amis 100 mg tablets during pregnancy has not been firmly established, and their use during pregnancy should be carefully evaluated by a healthcare provider. Pregnant women should discuss the potential risks and benefits of using this medication with their healthcare provider before initiating treatment.

Can I consume alcohol while taking Amis 100 mg Tablets?

It is generally advisable to avoid alcohol while taking Amis 100 mg tablets, as alcohol may exacerbate certain side effects of this medication, such as drowsiness and dizziness.

What precautions should I take when storing Amis 100 mg Tablets?

When storing Amis 100 mg tablets, it’s essential to keep them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Be sure to store the medication out of reach of children and pets and avoid storing it in the bathroom or kitchen, where humidity levels may be higher.

Are there any dietary restrictions associated with Amis 100 mg Tablets?

While there are no specific dietary restrictions associated with Amis 100 mg tablets, it’s essential to maintain a balanced diet and avoid excessive consumption of caffeine or stimulants, which may exacerbate certain side effects like insomnia or jitteriness.


In conclusion, Amis 100 mg tablets represent a valuable therapeutic option in the management of psychiatric disorders, offering efficacy, safety, and convenience.

By understanding their uses, potential side effects, precautions, pricing, warnings, and contraindications, individuals can make informed decisions in collaboration with their healthcare providers, ensuring optimal treatment outcomes and improved quality of life.


The information on this website, including medicine prices, side effects, uses, and precautions, is sourced from public domains. I am not a medical professional. While I strive for accuracy, I cannot guarantee completeness. Consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized advice. The content here is not a substitute for professional medical guidance. Users are advised to use the information at their own discretion and risk. I do not assume responsibility for consequences arising from its use.

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